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Mental Health (Remove filter)

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He digs and drills so deep

that foundations may well crumble


Bottles himself away in lonely

lines of ribbed blue glass

upon some lop-sided shelf


The handwritten label, applied

and slid square with the rest of the world


The contents sealed in

wax from the neck down to do their time


Do not operate the machinery

Please comply with dos...

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mental health

Spring Tanka

A winter bite that

mocks the spring, pincers its cocoon.

A life supported?

Cease one's internal decay,

Even ice melts. Love's fluidity.

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WinterIceSpringThawCocoonMeltLifeMental HealthDepressionAnxietySelf-doubtLoveHonestySelf-beliefSelf-esteemNurturingNurtureSupportSupportingCareCaringLovingConsiderateCompassionCompassionateGrowGrowingPainSufferingLearnLearningDiscoverDiscoveryDiscoveringNaPoWriMo

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